What do you do when the check engine light in your car comes on? You are most likely to go to the nearest automobile service center to find out what the problem is. You are not alone in doing so, as it is the default response of many car owners in Australia – who do not own an automotive diagnostic scanner – whenever there is an indication that there is something wrong with their vehicle.
It is perfectly understandable why you, or any other car owner for that matter, would want to rush to the nearest workshop as soon as the indicator starts flashing on. In most cases, you simply do not know if it is a serious problem or if you can afford to get it checked at your leisure. So, a quick trip to the mechanic is inevitable in such cases. There is, however, one problem with such trips – it costs you money.
The Dilemma of Diagnostic Fees
Perhaps the single biggest reason why you, as a car owner, should invest in an automotive diagnostic scanner is that each and every trip to the mechanic shop costs you money.
Flat Fees
Many service centers tend to charge a flat fee, which is usually an hourly rate – to diagnose the problems in vehicles. The problem with such a system is that the hourly rate could be as high as $100. Moreover, in many cases, the mechanic might find out what is wrong with your vehicle very quickly, but will still charge you the hourly rate. For instance, if he diagnoses the problem in 15 minutes, you still have to pay $100, which is meant for one full hour.
Double Charges
In some cases, there is a labor overlap involved between diagnosis and the actual repair process. For instance, if there is a problem with your brake, the mechanic needs to remove the wheels to find out what the problem is. Once he tells you what the issue is, you need to pay a diagnostic fee. If you decide to get it fixed right away, the mechanic might replace the brakes, but charge you full labor on the brake job, which is unfair if you think about it.
As part of the diagnostic process, the mechanic has already removed the wheels and inspected the brakes and you have already paid for it in full. The only thing remains to be done now is to replace the brakes, but the mechanic might charge you what he usually does for a full-on brake job. In this case, it is not applicable as 50% of the work is already done as part of the diagnostic process and you have also paid for it. Basically, they double-dip by charging you for the diagnostic process as well as the actual repair and replacement process, even though there is a considerable overlap in the process.
Minor Problem, Full Fees
In some cases, the problem with your car could be so trivial that you need not have bothered to go to the service shop at all. You could have either tended to it later or fixed it yourself. Still, you have to pay the full diagnostic fees.
This is not to say that you should go to a mechanic shop at all. Automobile experts offer an invaluable service and are necessary in most cases. However, you should go there only when you know what the problem is and if you cannot fix it yourself. You can do so only if you have an automotive diagnostic scanner with you.
Scanner Saves You Money
An automotive scan tool is designed to simplify the diagnostic process greatly. All you need to do is – plug it in, start your engine, and check the display for the error codes. Now, if you have a basic code reader, you might only get an alphanumeric code, the meaning of which you have to look up in an instruction manual or on the internet.
If you have a mid-level or advanced scanner, you might receive a whole lot of information including error code, the definition for the same, troubleshooting information, and a lot more. Using the information, you can precisely locate the issue and then decide if it is something you can fix yourself or not. If you can, you can save a whole lot of money. If not, you still end up saving the diagnostic fees, as you can simply tell the mechanic what the issue is and get it fixed.
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